Sunday, August 23, 2009

My FIRST hair cut...I mean bang trim!!

Today I had my very first haircut! Mom and Dad took me to this kiddie hair cutting place where I got to sit in a cool car and a lady came with a sharp pair of scissors to cut off my hair! Mom told her we were there for a "bang trim" and that my curls did not need to be cut off as I am a girl and my hair can get really long!! Right now the curls are so tight that my hair looks pretty short though! Mom and Dad hope I have the curls forever. I really like them too...I point to them and say "curls"! I love it that people say I have pretty hair!!

After the haircut (that lasted 3 minutes) that mom and dad said was very expensive ($7.95 + tip for 3 snips of a scissor) they gave me a bright red lollipop! It was my first sucker ever and it was SO good!

It sounds like mom watched how they cut my bangs, so I may not be going back there for awhile...I sure hope mom does not mess my hair up!

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