Saturday, October 3, 2009

Updates on me...

Sometimes I blog about big fun events going on that I forget to update everyone on the little new things I learn and do every day! Here it goes:
  • I started to call myself "Katie". No one else calls me that, but Grama Fimmen calls me that when she signs the potty song and I really like it. If you ask me my name I say "Kate", but I say things like "Katie see", "Katie Do", "Katie have" and "Katie go"!
  • I love to cook in the kitchen Grama got me at her house and the little one we have at our house. I "wash" my hands in the play kitchen sink too at our house. Over and over and over again!
  • Papa Fimmen and Daddy give me money and I love to put it in my piggy bank! Once I put it in the bank I ask to get more out of the hole in the bottom and do it over and over again!
  • Mommy and I have tea parties on the floor in the living room! I like to make pancakes in my kitchen and then pour syrup on them for the tea party! I also like to serve mommy hot dogs with mustard! I even set a place for daddy and Murphy to join us in the party!
  • Grama got me crayons that you can color in the bath tub. They are so much fun! It makes it hard for me to leave the bathie! I say "T - O- M" as I color and "T-E" (for K A T E).
  • After bathies mom dries me off and I run around the upstairs with my hooded towel on screaming "naked baby, naked baby" and giggle like crazy! I love to run up to daddy and say "naked baby". Sometimes I think it is so funny I get clumsy and fall all over the place!
  • I love to hide and make people find me. My favorite places are - closets, behind chairs, behind mommy, behind my hands (if I can't see you, you must not be able to see he!), and all sorts of fun places! I say "where oh where did Katie go..." and hope someone comes to find me!
  • I am getting more teeth. In fact, I almost have a whole mouth full! I can't wait until they all grow in and stop hurting me. At last weeks doctor appt my doctor said she can see 3 more popping in!
  • At last weeks doctor appointment I weighed 24 lbs 13.4 oz (50th percentile), was 32" long (45th percentile) and had a head circumference of 18.5 in (56th percentile)! I am about average for an 18 month old (even though mommy did not get me into the doctor until I was 19 month old....MOMMY!).
  • I call Papa Dick "Papa Dick" and even called Grama Vicki "Nama Vicki" once...I also called her "Nama Dick" once by mistake! Everyone thought that was silly!
  • I am very polite and say please, thank you, excuse me and bless you when people sneeze (and even when they cough sometimes)!
  • I love to play pretend and play with babies! I cook, dress baby dolls, feed baby Mia (I have 1 at Grama's and one at home), I pretend I drink coffee with the new tea set Grama F got me at her house! I even put Baby Mia in time out the other day and put on some Butt Paste on her bottom when I changed her diaper! I like to pretend I am a mommy! I have a big imagination and love to play pretend!
  • Mommy goes to Weight Watchers every Saturday morning and I love to go with her! Not to see the nice overweight ladies....but to eat DONUTS!! That is right, believe it or not, right next door to WW is the most wonderful Donut shop! I get to drink chocolate milk and have some donut!!! I love Saturday mornings! We did not get to go this morning though since I did not feel well. Bummer....maybe they will take me tomorrow!!
  • The past few weekend mom and I have checked out garage sales. We have never really done it before, but thought we can find some good big kid stuff! I had so much fun looking at everything. One lady thought I was so cute she gave me a bunny...for free! I love garage sales so much that when mommy and I would drive by one I would say "COME"!! I wanted to stop at all of them!

Well, that's about it for now!




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