Sunday, December 6, 2009

In the know...

It has been awhile since I did an you go:
  • I say "gross" to anything spooky or scary or ugly
  • My favorite foods are dip, cheetos and cookies...."uh oh" says mommy!!
  • When Papa Dick was watching me the other day I headed out the garage door and when Papa Dick asked me where I was going I said " Going to Jalepenos for Dip". My favorite food at my favotite restaurant....all the Horton's were proud when they heard!! Mommy thinks I have a lot of "Horton" in me....whatever that means!
  • I love my cousins...and miss my cousins Tom and wish he lived in Kansas....or, even in Missouri like Anna. I ask if Tom is at Grama's all the time.
  • I love baby dolls. In fact, if you ask me what I want Santa to bring I will say "presents", then "toys", then "baby dolls" . I name most my baby dolls "Mia" because Mommy named one of mine Mia and I love that name!!! I also have baby Bella though. Lambie is still my favorite! Than k you Larsons!
  • My mom is so excited for my latest trick....when she picks me up from work I get so excited to see her. I run to see her and then say..."Mommy's cany, where did it go?", then run to the drawer and find a peppermint patty and give it to mommy. She is such a good mommy that she gives me a bite...or two. Everyone is so suprised a girl my size LOVES peppermint patties!!! YEH SUGAR!!!
  • I love looking at catalogs and ads! Grama is so great and saves all the Sundat newspaper ads for me to look at. I love looking at toys and tell Grama what "Kate has", what "Kate Wants" and what 'Anna wants" (have to look out for my baby cousin)> My favorite catalog is from Toys R Us. I pick out all the great toys and LOVE to pick out SHAQ!!! Shaquille O'Neil is my favorite....he is a big man who plays basketball and does some advertising with TRU! I really like Shaq!
  • I love Target and love to shop there and point it out whenever we drive by it. I love to give the bog red balls hugs! I even recognize the advertisements and the shopping bags. I LOVE Target!
  • Sometimes I get boo boos and I want Grama, Daddy or mommy to kiss them. It makes them feel better!
  • I have been getting a little bit shy lately and I will cry if a large crowd of people get around me and laugh. Especially if my mommy or daddy laugh makes me sad
  • Today was the girls night (and husbands) Xmas party!! I had so MUCH fun! I was such a good girl and was so nice and entertaining to everyone that mom and Dad let me stay up until 10pm!!! WOW! I love a party and act on my best behavior so no one remembers it is WAY past my bed time!!! I can't wait until I am old enough to host my own parties!!!!




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