Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year! I welcomed in 2010 with a party at our house with Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Mommy, Daddy and Murphy! We played games, ate lots of good food and watched some football. It was so much fun! I was such a good girl (as I always am at parties) that I got to see New York call in the New Year, Kansas City and almost Las Vegas!!! I am a party girl and stayed up until 1:11 am! Can you believe that? It is the latest I have ever stayed up and been a happy little girl doing so! Mommy even took some pictures of me falling asleep in mommy and daddy’s bed at 1:11 (see the clock)!!!

I hope everyone has a great 2010 and the rest of mine turns out as great as the last day of 2009!!!


I am really good at playing my recorder I got for Christmas...I play "twinkle twinkle little star!"

Aunt Jenny picked me up a winter coat for next year at a HUGE Baby Gap sale!! YEH!

I am helping Aunt Jenny change Anna's diaper!

Here I am with everyone helping Aunt Jenny make twice baked potatoes. I got to do "BAM" and put on all the toppings! girl!

Then I crashed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Kate!!! We love you so much.
Your mommy used to be a good girl just like you for parties so she could stay up late too!!
Lots of Hugs and kisses.