Monday, July 19, 2010

My new bedtime routine!

Tonight as I was trying to get to sleep I spent about 1 1 /2 hours talking and singing to myself. Ever since paci has been take away by that darn paci fairy falling asleep at night is not easy for me. Tonight I talked about "The Wizard of Oz" and said who in my family is what character (Tom is a lollipop kid, Nama is Auntie Em, etc...), I sang just about every song I know and I talked to the paci fairy and told her "no, give me back my pacis!". I played and talked to all my babies and acted like their mommy. I changed Lambies big girl panties because she had an accident, I talked about my ruby slippers I am still waiting for Amazon to deliver and stayed up as late as I possibly could! I love to play and chill in my room! No bedtime for me!

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