Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am excited to tell you that I will be going to school in a few weeks! Mommy and Daddy enrolled me in a Mommy's Day out program 1 day a week from 9:30-2:30! I have 5 other kids my age in my class and I can't wait to meet them! We will play, have story time, do puzzles, rest, eat lunch (I have to pack and bring my own), make crafts and all sorts of fun stuff!

I think I am going to have a boy in my class named "Nick" and I keep talking about him! Mommy and Daddy think it is funny because we really have no idea of the names of any of the kids in my class!

We have rest time scheduled in the day. I hope they will let me take a nap because I still really need naps!

I start in September! I can't wait!

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