Monday, August 23, 2010


I had the best time yesterday and today! Since mommy and daddy did the big summer vacation by themselves in Hawaii this year they had a great idea for the 3 of us to go to The Great Wolf Lodge here in Kansas City! We stayed there last night and had SO MUCH FUN! I LOVE hotels…I kept saying “this is my favorite place, my favorite bed, my favorite phone, etc…” Everything at this hotel was my “favorite”! The coolest part was all there was to do at the hotel. They had a cool water park, an arcade, an ice cream shop, a store and all sorts of stuff!

When we got there we changed into our bathing suits and went straight to the water park! They had all sorts of fun stuff I played with – pools, water slides, fountains – everything with water! We also played in the arcade and daddy won me a cool ball and some silly stuffed animal…all on the first try!

We had a yummy dinner and then Papa Dick came to see us. We showed him all around our cool place and then played outside a bit! There were 2 ducks right by our patio and they would come really close to me…none of us were afraid!

I got in my pjs to go to the Clock Tower show and story time at 8am! All the other kids had there pjs on too. The clock tower came alive with the animals all talking and then the lady came and read a really long book! I got a little antsy and was the only kid (out of about 25) that could not sit still. I had so much energy I ran all over the place….up the stairs, down the hall to our room, everywhere!!! I had so much energy that I even took my shoe and threw it over the balcony and it almost hit a lady in a wheelchair. Mommy was angry and I had to go and tell the lady I was sorry (it was a really good throw though)! After story time we had dessert at the ice cream shop and then went to our hotel room for bedtime!

This morning we got to play in the water park again…boy do I love all the water stuff! I was sad to tell my hotel room goodbye, but after we left our stay-cation was not over! We went to a shopping center and did a bit of shopping, then went to Cabella’s to look at all the animals (stuffed) and fishies. I even got to feed the fish…they would go CRAZY when I threw in the fish food! To end our stay-cation we went to McDonald's for lunch!!!

It was so much fun! I can’t wait to go back there for another stay-cation!

This place gets a BIG Thumbs Up!

Can you see Daddy and me up really high?? Daddy is waving!

Every few minuts water would crash out of the big bucket! I did not really like that part!

I love this old fashion phone they had at the hotel! A phone with a cord?? How funny! I pretended to talk on it all night long!

The Sweet shop!

This is the clock tower - where story time was!

I got freaked out on this game at the arcade! I just went to sit on it and did not put any money in it....all of the sudden it started to move like a roller coaster! OMG!

I liked this rocket ship!

Here is Daddy and I with all the prizes he won me! Good job daddy!

Daddy and I "chas'in" down the hallway to our room!

Papa came and took some pictures of all 3 of us!

2 little duckies right out our hotel room!

Papa Dick and I at story time! Me and all the kids!

Her name was Violet and I loved her. I stood in line 2 times to get my picture taken with her and give her hugs!

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