Sunday, October 31, 2010


I had such a fun day today! We played, watched some football (go Chiefs...they won AGAIN), took a nap and then had a Halloween party and trick or treating! Anna, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick all came over for a catered BBQ dinner and fun!

For months I had planned on being a witch and even told mommy I wanted her to paint my face green, but at the last minute (a few days ago) I decided I wanted to be Snow White! Mommy was super happy we already had a cool Snow White costume so I was set! I was a super duper cute Snow White today! I will post some pictures later, but TRUST ME!!

Anna Banana was a.....Banana and it was so cute! You will not believe it but Uncle Rob was a bunch of grapes and Aunt Jenny was a red apple! They were a fruit salad and I thought it was really funny!

We went to the neighborhood Halloween parade and I got to show off my costume and see what all the other kids were wearing. I was super disturbed my a scary Bones costume that kept bleeding on this kids face! I kept having to remind myself it was pretend, but I talked about it all night - even at bedtime. I hope I do not have nightmares!

We went trick or treating and I loved it! I said trick or treat and then said think you as I got my loot! Once we got home we got to have lots of goodies!

I was super lucky because Nama Vicki stayed over at my house really late and I got to play with her! I stayed up late tonight...I LOVE doing that!

Happy Halloween everyone!

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