Thursday, December 29, 2011

Aunt Jenny's annual Bday party tradition!

Happy Birthday Aunt Jenny! After our BIG shopping day at the Plaza we all went to Brio for a happy hour to honor Aunt Jenny. Aunt Jenny has been planning bday happy hour parties for about 13 years now and this year was crazier than ever with all us kiddo! We got a great section with a couch and huge table and lots of chairs. We forgot to take pictures when everyone else came, but there were a lot of us: Nama, Papa, Gigi, Daddy, mommy, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Miss Mary, Miss Laura, Mr Aaron and Henry! We had a really fun time.

I started to get really tired at the end and kinda freaked out crying when Anna did not want to hold my hand on the way out though. I talked and talked about it the drive home and all night before bed. "Anna loves me, why did she not want to hold my hand?" Mom said I scared Anna once all my crying started, maybe she is right. I will get some sleep tonight and think about it more in the morning.

Making a wish...

Today was a beautiful day- 60 degrees in December! Mommy, Nama, Aunt Jenny and I had a girls shopping day on the Plaza to celebrate Aunt Jenny's birthday. It was so fun. We went into tons of stores, ate lunch and got to walk around the beautiful Plaza. Nama gave me some pennies to throw into the fountain. I made 2 wishes:

1. That I love my new flip flops (not really a wish, just something I was excited about - Nama bought me cool flip flops)

2. That Aunt Jenny sells her house (Aunt Jenny was excited about that one)!




Here I am making my wish (I closed my eyes every time I made a wish)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

I love you guys!

Ella's 2nd birthday party!

Today was Ella Cross' (Sydney's sister and Miss Lori's daughter) 2nd birthday party at the gymnastics place. Miss Courtney and Logan were also there and we all got to play together. We had yummy cookie cake, played games and played and played with all the gymnastics equipment. I had a blast!

Mommy got a new set of wheels.....

and they even put a big red bow on it just like the commercials!!!

The day after Christmas...

is for playing with toys! Here I am playing dress up with my new Princess costumes: Mulan and Pocahontas.

I love the earings!

Adult gift exchange

It actually was not as boring as I thought it would be (without getting a present and all). :) I had a job to do. Once all the kids went to bed I passed out the presents to the adults and when they would steal a present the stealer would tell me and I would break the bad news to the owner by taking the present and bringing it to the stealer! There were really good presents and lots of things stolen. Papa, Nama and Daddy battled it out over a Jalepenos gift card (Papa got it), Papa and Mommy and Daddy battled over a Dean and Delucca gift card (Daddy got it) was great fun!

Kid gift exchange

We did a kid gift exchange at Nama's house. It was really cool. You will never believe what Anna got me? Squinkees! I have been wanting those things forever, but mom said they were silly and that she did not understand them. She also told me they were too small and dangerous (basically, a lot of things to make me not like them...but I love them). Aunt Jenny teased me and called them "Stinkies", but she got them for me. I am so lucky! I even got a dispenser to play with them in!

Anna LOVED her singing Justin Beiber toothbrush, her flashlight and tent!

I loved my Squinkees and Barbie head (to do he hair)
Ashley loved her Mickey doll and book!




Did we have an awesome Christmas or what?!?!

BEST DAY EVER! Why does it only come once a year?

Breakfast was on Gigi!!!

Gigi made breakfast for all of us. It was so yummy...sausage ring with eggs, her homemade bread (yummy), OJ and lots of goodies! Looks like Gigi had some fun cooking it!! heehee! Thanks for breakfast Gigi!

Cards and good times!

We had so much fun! I just realized mommy did not get any pictures of Uncle Bob...he was at Christmas too!

I practiced my card playing skill with Nama and Papa too!

Like daddy like daughter

Hopefully I have not inherited the "close your eyes during every picture" trait from my dad!

Merry Christmas...while driving my mom BONKERS!!

Mom always wants to get just the right Christmas family picture...I did not make it easy for her this year!!!

Tongue sticking out is so funny

Here is a little more and a devil smile (mom, what are you doing?)
I can't get enough of the tongue...I am hilarious!

At this point everyone is telling me to stop sticking out my audience...awesome!

Seeing if Dad is thinking this is as funny as I do!

Looks like I succeeded in making mom chuckle a bit!

I will try another tactic...pulling away!

They must have bribed me with something, because these last 2 are pretty cute!

Christmas Day at the Fimmen's

We always spend Christmas day and Nama and Papa's house! This year we are celebrating Christmas 2 times at their house. On Christmas Day and on New Years Day (when Uncle Tom, Aunt Carolyn, Tom, Meghan and Matt are in town). We got to open just a few gifts (Anna and I did a gift exchange and the adults did a good gift exchange too). We had so much fun...I LOVE Christmas and spending it with all my family!