Happy Birthday Aunt Jenny! After our BIG shopping day at the Plaza we all went to Brio for a happy hour to honor Aunt Jenny. Aunt Jenny has been planning
bday happy hour parties for about 13 years now and this year was crazier than ever with all us kiddo! We got a great section with a couch and huge table and lots of chairs. We forgot to take pictures when everyone else came, but there were a lot of us:
Nama, Papa, Gigi, Daddy, mommy, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Miss Mary, Miss Laura, Mr Aaron and Henry! We had a really fun time.
I started to get really tired at the end and kinda freaked out crying when Anna did not want to hold my hand on the way out though. I talked and talked about it the drive home and all night before bed. "Anna loves me, why did she not want to hold my hand?" Mom said I scared Anna once all my crying started, maybe she is right. I will get some sleep tonight and think about it more in the morning.
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