Monday, January 17, 2011

Double Ear Infection!

That is right...last week I woke up and said to mommy "my ear hurts". Then I said "my cheek hurts"....mommy knew something was up! Luckily Daddy was able to take me to the doctors that morning and the doctor said I had a bad ear infection on one ear and another one starting in the other....DOUBLE EAR INFECTION....YUCK!

The doctor gave me some yucky pink medicine that Daddy keep saying taste like his bubble gum (doubt it)! It is gross and I freak out every morning and night they have to give it to me. I put my hand over my mouth, gag and throw all sorts of fits until the torture is over. I can tell mommy and daddy don't like it either!

Luckily my ears are better....I just had a horrible runny nose and hacking cough all weekend. We rested around the house and did lots of cuddling and now I am almost back to normal!

Hopefully that is the last sickness I get this winter!

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