Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More about the wiener party....

I almost forgot to mention some other really cool parts of our wiener party! Papa made 10 different types of sausages and wieners for appetizers. We got to try wieners from all over the world! It was so cool and yummy!

In addition to the wieners we decided to enhance the unhealthy party with a fry contest! We friend all kids of appetizers....the winners were Uncle Rob's fried artichokes and my fried mozzarella sticks! So YUMMY! We ate and ate so much we did not have room for our fried desserts (snickers and oreos)! We did however have room for snow cones! We even got to make the snow cones in the screened in room!

Here is what is left of the friend goodness (onion rings, artichokes, cheese, mozzarella sticks. mushrooms.....MMMmmmm)!!

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