Since Nama & Papa are in Prague Aunt Jenny is watching me today and tomorrow...then Nama Vicki is coming in town to watch me Thursday and Friday! Today we met Aunt Jenny, Anna & Ashley at Nama's and Papa's house.
The house was really HOT because Nama turned down the air conditioning since they were out of town. BUT, it never got cold even when we turned up the air conditioning!!! Aunt Jenny called the repair guy and he came and told us the air conditioner is broken...uh oh!
In order for us to stay cool (the house was 84 degrees) Aunt Jenny gave us a long cool bath and then we played in the basement. When we finally could not stand it any longer (and the repair guy was gone), mommy & daddy came and picked me up and took me home.
The warranty company is coming tomorrow to look at it and see what needs to be replaced AND we are going to Aunt Jenny's house to stay cool!!
Thanks for watching me Aunt Jenny. It was a crazy day!