Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 7: Magic Kindom (part 3)

We decided to spend our last day in Disney World at the Magic Kingdom. It was our 3rd trip to the Magic Kingdom and we really love it. We got there right when it opened and our plan was to go straight to Rapunzel to meet her. The lines had always been SO long that I had not met her yet. Well, mom and I went it was already a 2 hour wait!! Instead of spending most of time at the park waiting we decided to ride rides and stuff.

Instead of the monorail we took the fairy boat over to Magic Kingdom. It was our hottest and most crowded day by far. We knew it would be a short day at the parks for us.

I got to meet Alice in Wonderland and the White Rabbit and then we road the teacups again!

Dad and I drove this fast car at the Speedway. I was really scared and cried most of the time. They did give me a cool drivers license though!

On our way out of the park for the day we ran into a little parade. It was fun to see everyone!

Here I am trying to cool myself off with my fan and squirter!

I love the Magic Kingdom and can't wait to head back there very soon!




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