Monday, August 8, 2011


Last night mommy and I had a girls night as Daddy and Papa Dick went to a concert. All day long (and the night before) I had talked about how much I wanted the Rapunzel phone we saw at Walmart. Since I was such a good girl at the wedding and the drive to and from Pittsburg mom and dad said they would get it for me. I was SO excited yesterday that I could not stop talking about it. After my nap it was even the very first thing I asked about.

Once Daddy left for the night mommy and I went to Walmart to get it. I was SO excited. It was the first thing we picked out (by the cash register). I played and played with it at the store while we did the rest of our shopping.

When we went to pay for it and were standing in line I saw a $.30 bad of Cheetos (it was a lunch box sized bag - really small). Well, I wanted them SO bad! I begged and begged mom and she kept saying no. She finally told me I could get 1 thing - the phone I has been wanting SO bad and talking about for days of the teeny tiny bag of $.30 Cheetos.

Guess what???? I chose the Cheetos!

That is right, mom and the guy at the check out thought I was CRAZY, but that is what I decided.

I LOVED every last bite (and licks of my orange fingers)!

Mommy and I kept laughing about it all night....I picked Cheetos that are all gone OVER a phone I could have had for a long time.

Hee Hee!

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