Monday, November 28, 2011

More family pictures

So, we had 1 hour of picture taking fun and not thinking that Geizer park would fill the entire 60 minutes mom came up with the idea of going to Windstead's 50s restaurant for some pictures....not the bext of her creative ideas I must say. There were some cute pictures, but for the most part they were CHEESY! Especially the one's with our whole family drinking the milk shake (notice they are NOT included).

PICTURES REMOVED 11/12 to make room in BLOG.  BOOHOO!

2011 Family Pictures

These were taken at Geizer Park near Nama & Papa's house...

PICTURES REMOVED 11/12 to make room in BLOG.  BOOHOO!


I am not sure if you have met my Elf on the Shelf....his name is Cogsworth. I named him that when I was 2. He is pretty cool. Each morning he hides in a new place for me to find him, he watched me during the day and then reports back to Santa to the North Pole (he flies there) every night. I can not touch him or he will lose his magic. He is really cool and I talk about him all the time. The first thing I say every morning is "let's go find my elf on the shelf"!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I got to meet Santa again!

I am one lucky girl because I got to meet and talk with Santa again today! He was at Van Mauer and the pictures were free so mommy and daddy let me. There was NO LINE so Santa spent some extra time talking with me. I got a little shy with all the conversation, but he asked me lots of questions like: "do you like music?", "do you like picture books?"....I answered yes to both of them. I wonder how many more times I will get to meet Santa this year???

Mailing my letter to Santa!!

Yesterday we mailed my letter to Santa at Macy's. In it I told him what a good girl I had been and the presents I want for Christmas: a double stroller, twin baby dolls, a dollhouse and a microphone with stand. I told mom and dad I think it will take 4 or 5 days for it to get to Santa. I think this is enough time for the elfs to make my presents in time for Christmas.

Bieber Fever!!!

You will not believe who sells his very own perfume at Macy's!!! Look at the amazing picture I got with him!

Black Friday!!!

Mommy and Aunt Jenny are crazy!! Here they are getting ready for Black Friday shopping! I can't wait until I am big enough to join them!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The Fimmen's were all in town to move Gigi to Kansas City! It was a full house and I loved every minute of it! I LOVE A PARTY! Gigi got moved in successfully...I even helped A LOT! Here are some of the pictures!

Jumping Jacks!

This week mommy took off work and we had so much fun! On Monday we met Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley at Unforked for breakfast...YUMMY! Then we went to Jumping Jacks for jumping fun!!! I love playing with my cousins!

Holiday Boutique!

A few weeks ago Nama, Mommy and I went to the Holiday Boutique. It was like Holiday Mart, only smaller and it was FUN! Here are some fun pictures!

In the car before the shopping began!

We met Papa at Jasper's for dinner. I brought in the sand timer I bought at the Holiday Boutique and timed the waited....he got a thumbs down cause he was late with our salads!




Fun pictures!

Here are some pictures mom and I took of each other the day we finished decorating for Christmas!

Halloween Pumpkins

We forgot to post the pumpkins we decorated for Halloween!

Here is the one I painted at Aunt Jenny's house!

Princess Pumpkin!
Pirate Pumpkins!




Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Yesterday mommy had to run to Walgreens for something. I begged to go with her. She let me. As we were driving to the store she asked me why I wanted to go with her so badly. I told her "because I want to buy one thing". For some reason I think I hurt mommy's feelings because she asked me a couple time why else and I could not think of anything. She then said "is it also because you want to hang out with mommy?". I said yes...think that made her feel good, but I also think mommy is reevaluating our shopping behaviors....YIKES!

Bad morning...

I tend to have a lot of bad mornings. See, I do not like to get ready and throw fits while putting on clothes (too tight, too loose, too soft - you get the drift). Yesterday morning I was having a typical bad morning, but this time I even had a fit ab out brushing my teeth. When mommy was buckling me in the car seat she told me that we can not have bad mornings anymore and asked me why I threw a fit with brushing my teeth and went on about how it was not nice. At that point I stopped her (because daddy was coming into the car) and said "let's not talk about that to daddy, okay mom?". I was so very sure of myself in my comment - just like a very big girl. I think mommy told daddy though....


Today I was the leader at school. I have bee super excited ever since I got the leader bag sent home with me on Thursday. Right away I knew what I was bringing for show and tell - "Lulu", the mechanical doggie mommy got for me at the holiday mart. This weekend mommy would ask me questions and I would practice my answers - after awhile I told me "I do not need to talk about anymore, I know what to say".

Today Nama took me to school (like she usually does), but this time she got to stay and watch me be the leader! I got to do the weather report, sit on a special chair, do my show and tell and be the leader in line!

My show and tell went really great! I told everyone about Lulu, called on my classmates and answered all their questions really well. I even knew the classmates names and called them by name. I spoke up so everyone could hear me and answered really clear and even used big words! Nama was so proud of me!

I was so excited to tell mom and dad about it tonight. They were sad they could not make it to leader day. Tonight I told them "mommy and daddy, you would have been so proud of me today". They told me they are.

I can't wait to be leader again!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"And what would you like for Christmas Kate?".....

Here I am thinking to make sure I answer his question just right!

More of my time with Santa

This is the 3rd year in a row we went to this place for Santa pictures and we will go back year after year. Santa only visits Happy Chic Photography 1 day a year, but it is worth it. We drive down by the River Market and typically wait in a long wait, but this year they raised there price and we went during the lunch hour and had really no wait at all! I loved talking with Santa and while we waited for them to get our DVD ready we had lots of yummy snacks! Nama Vicki went with mommy and I and she had fun too! Here are some more pictures from the day!

ADORABLE SANTA PICS REMOVED 11/12 to make room for more pics in the blog. Boohoo!


PICTURE REMOVED 11/12 to make room in blog.

I met Santa today and it was SO AWESOME! When he asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told him a double stroller, twin babies and a doll house. He even gave me a candy cane! I love going to see Santa every year!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Proud of me

Nama and I were at Kohls yesterday looking at Hallmark ornaments. I found a Barbie Ballet ornament and I said to Nama that I wanted to buy it for mommy..."Mommy would love this ballet ornament because she is so proud of me when I dance". Mommy is proud of me a lot.

When I grow up...

"When I grow up I am going to buy a house and live with a husband." That is what I told mommy and daddy the other day. I used to say "live with my Daddy" (I meant husband, but I did not not know that was what it was called). I am getting BIG, but mommy and daddy hope not too big too fast!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Party time!!!

After all our trick or treating fun we all went back home and looked at all our candy and started eating all the yummy stuff!

Woohoo....look at all of that! And no Papa, you can not have it (only to coconut stuff)!! Papa Kept teasing me...I had to hide my candy stash from him!
The Chiefs game was also going on at the same time (Monday night football). The boys were in the screened in room watching it!

I had to get comfy to eat even more candy!

After we started to relax Nama read me some books...she is such a good book reader!

I love Halloween! Our party was a success and everyone had fun! Can't wait until next year....wonder what I will be into then?




Trick or Treating!!

We had so much fun trick or treating!!

Here are Henry and I running up to our first house!

Here we are waiting for candy!
Success!!! YIPPEE!

Now to lots more houses for lots more candy!




Almost trick or treat time!!

Here are Henry, Anna and I getting super excited to go trick or treating!

Halloween Parade!

Our neighborhood does an annual Halloween Parade where everyone gets dressed in Halloween costumes and walks around the even get cookies and cider! Here is all the fun!

Princess Jasmine

I was Princess Jasmine. Here I am showing some belly. Good thing it was not cold was in the 70s all day! Oh, I would not wear the crown or shoes mom and dad bought me. They more accessories! Hmm.....


Before our annual trick or treat party officially began Aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Uncle Rob came over to get all ready and to take some pictures. Here they are...we are in our costumes!

Happy Halloween!!

Here I am in my Halloween ghost outfit..super cute, huh? Daddy stayed home from work and mommy only worked a half day. Daddy and I went to Jumping Jacks and played and played all morning, then went to McDonald's for lunch!! Then we all got ready for our BIG party! I will post lots of pictures in stuff to show you all the fun!