Monday, December 19, 2011

First Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange Party

Tonight was mommy and my first holiday cookie exchange party and we had so much fun! I was the only kid there, but that was okay as all the adults were cool and played with me. I even set up a stage at the top of the balcony and brought out my karaoke machine and microphone to perform for everyone and got people to join me upstairs on the stage to sing and dance. Mom did realize I was going to turn this cookie party into a dance party, but I think she was cool with it.

We had tons of cookies and they were super yummy! We even got a group picture! What was so cool with this party was that there was a kid (me), moms (Mommy, Miss Lori, Aunt Jenny, Miss Courtney, Miss Stephanie and Miss Kelly (she is not a mom, but a young adult), grandma's (Nama, Miss Jackie and Miss Paula) and even a Great Grandma (Gigi). We can't wait to do it again next year with this fun group (and a couple more who could not make it this year). Mommy mentioned something about voting and prizes for the best cookies...everyone better start practicing!!


Look at the amazing cookie spread!

Here I am dancing on the "stage" upstairs!

Fun group photo!

I was the cookie taster!!

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