Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!!

We spend Christmas Eve at the Horton's every year. It is always so much fun! This year we had yummy lasagna, salad, bread, corn and lots of appetizers. I wish mommy got a picture of the cake and cake balls because they were beautiful!!! The cake looked like a wedding cake (all white and sparkly)! As usual, we had tons of present to open and it was so fun! Now that I am 3 I was a BIG helper to I helped everyone open all their presents! It was so much fun...I must have opened over 1o0 presents!

I received so many wonderful gifts, but I must say my all time favorite are my twin baby dolls (which I named Thomas and Julie) and the double stroller for them to ride in from Nama Vicki and Papa Dick. I am also super excited to play with the kid ipad and to wear the Crocs (Uncle Chris got me both of those) and to play with the Justin Bieber singing doll and purple horsey Gigi and Gipa got me! Thanks so much to everyone for such a wonderful Christmas Eve!

The Horton's

Generation Picture

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