Friday, December 23, 2011

New family tradition!

Tonight we did the coolest was SO cool that we will be doing it every year before Christmas! Mommy told us all to get on our jammies (mommy even pulled out some brand new one's) and slippers. Then she made hot cocoa (that we put in to go mugs) and grabbed the Christmas music and we all piled in the car for a fun night of driving around and looking at Christmas lights! A long drive, Christmas music, cocoa and lights are super fun!

We even stopped at the BIG Penguin exhibit. This man decorates his whole yard with inflatable penguin stuff, he has a movie playing on a big projection screen and it snows! It is amazing and we could have stayed there forever. Mommy and I had our jammies and slippers on...a couple of moms told us it was a great idea and that we looked really cute!

When we would see really great lights we would say "ooh...aah". I have to say that the best street in all of Overland Park might me our very own. Everyone on our street decorated their houses and lined the streets with green and white is really a sight to see!

This will be something we will do every year for cool and a fun way to start the Christmas weekend!

We took some pictures...hope you all enjoy! Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

Here I am with my mug!

The hot cocoa getting ready for us to gobble up!

Here I am in the car drinking my cocoa...yummy!

Here is the cool peguin house!

Daddy was keeping me warm...brrrrrr!

Mommy felt kinda silly wearing crazy jammies in public...we looked cute though!

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