Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna!!

Happy 2nd birthday Anna! This weekend she had her party at Nama's house. It was good and bad.

First for the good stuff:

  • We played and played in the sprinkler and in the bounce house

  • Anna got lots of cool presents (and she gave us really cool party favors - crocks, candy and a craft)!

  • We had yummy food and desserts!

  • All our family was together (except for Uncle Tom - he was reffing a football game)!

The bad stuff:

  • Tom fell and broke his was really bad and he was really hurting. I do not like to see my best friend hurt!

  • He had to go to the hospital and was there for 2 nights

  • He had to have surgery

  • He is in a cast from his belly button down one entire leg and to his knee on the other leg

  • He has to rest a lot and can not walk - he gets to watch lots of movies and read lots of books!

  • He has a wheelchair - this is really cool! We even got to go on walks with him!

  • He has a special car seat

  • He will be in his cast for at least 6 weeks.

  • I hate to see Tom hurt, but he is doing really good. I love him so much! we got to watch movies together, talk and read books.

  • I hope Tom gets better really soon...I love Tom!




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