Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas and New Years weekend in ONE!

This was one of the BEST weekends ever! The Fimmen cousins came in town from Texas and we celebrated Christmas together. Nama and Papa wrote Santa a letter and he agreed to wait to come to their house this weekend! It was really cool to celebrate Christmas over an entire week!

I will post lots of blog about the whole weekend, but here is a quick update:

  • Tom, Meghan and Matt came in town at 2:45am Saturday morning. I came over to Nama's after lunch.

  • I was so EXCITED to see Tom - he was just as excited and when we walked in the door he and I just jumped and jumped and jumped with excitement, then gave each other a big hug. The pictures below show all our excitement of the moment!

  • Anna and Ashley came over also and the big weekend began!

  • Uncle Tom made an amazing prime rib dinner for everyone - I LOVED it! There were yummy potato casserole, salad and tons of yummy appetizers and desserts!

  • We were able to drink out of 2012 champagne classes and celebrate New Years Eve together!

  • We all had a sleepover - the BEST part! Tom, Meghan and I slept on sleeping mats in Nama & Papa's room. Papa read us "Twas the Night before Christmas" book in bed! I got a bit nervous once it was bed time and Nama let me sleep in her bed with her and Papa - thanks Nama!

  • When we woke up Santa had been at Nama and Papas. Before the kids were able to see all the presents the adults got ready and video taped it! We were really excited - there were SO many presents and Santa left footprints by the fireplace!

  • We opened lots of gifts, had a great waffle, eggs, Gigi's homemade toast, sausage and bacon brunch - YUMMY and PLAYED, PLAYED, PLAYED while the adults took forever opening their presents!

  • We played lots more, had a yummy dinner of lasagna, played more and then (sadly) had to say goodbye to the Texas cousins and come home.

  • Once I got home tonight I proceeded to PLAY even more, then passed out on mommy and daddy's bed when they were not looking (TIRED)!

It was such a wonderful time. I loved every minute of it! Now we have to plan a trip to Texas to play down there!




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