Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Doo-Dads!

Last night we got to do the COOLEST thing ever! We met Mr. Aaron, Miss Lori, Sydney and Ella at the Record Bar for my very first concert! Mommy and Miss Lori went to their first concert together (Meatloaf) and now Sydney, Ella and I all went to our very first concert together...very cool! We went to see the kid band "The Doo-Dads"! It was so much fun!

We got to the bar an hour early so we could get good seats and boy did we get good seat...right next to the dance floor and band! We hugged, danced, ran around, jumped and jumped and jumped around! It was awesome! The music was great and they had awesome bubble machines that shot bubbles was CRAZY! Hope you enjoy the pictures...

Here I am super excited and waiting for everyone to get there.

We were already dancing fools BEFORE the concert even started!
We had a great dinner (mac and cheese for me and pizza for Sydney and Ella) and then danced some more!

Hugs all around...

Sound check....don't we look like groupies??

Bubbles...super awesome!!!

More bubbles...

And they begin....woohoo! That calls for lots of climbing and jumping!

Sydney had a special request for her favorite song "Peanut Butter in my Ear" and guess what????? They played it for her!!

Miss Lori and Sydney watching the band!

The only way mommy could get a close up posed shot of us was when she asked us to make "funny faces"...

My friends...Sydney & Ella

Cute little Ella!

Here we are pretending in the photo booth. It was $4 per picture so the adults would just let us pretend!!! :)

Hugs for such a special night!

I had a blast and heard the adults say we might do this every month. I sure hope this is a tradition we start!




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