Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Leader Day!!

Today was a VERY special day for me because I was the leader at school! Being the leader is special and only something you get to be a few times a year (this is my second time). Since I was the leader mommy got to come to school with me to watch me perform my leader duties...that was super cool! She took some pictures and even video taped the whole thing if anyone wants to come over to watch it!

I got to sit on the leader chair and do my show and tell. I brought my baby doll twins (Thomas and Julie). I told the kids that they slept in their own beds and then I get to call on the kids in my class to ask me questions. I called them one by one and with the help of the question sticks the teachers help them ask me a question. The questions are stuff like "who bought it for you" (Nama Vicki and Papa Dick) / "where do you keep them" (in their room), "why did you want them?" (because I liked them) / "what did you name them?" (Thomas and Julie)...and even more!

After show and tell I got to get the weather stick and go with Mrs. Schmid to the back door. report on the weather and then tell the class: "It is cold and windy and the sky is blue".

After mommy left I got to be in the front of the line and lead the class to Bible study and back and lead the class in and out to recess.

At recess I was super surprised because Nama brought Anna with her to pick me up!!! It was really cool. I was so excited that when the teacher rang the bell to get back in line to go inside I got in the back of the line (not in the leader position where I belonged). The teacher called me and I lead the class in!

I LOVE leader day and can't wait until I can be leader again!

Here we are once we got into my classroom!

We all played as we waited for all the kids to arrive.
Here I am in the leader chair (singing our early morning songs and saying our prayer)

Show and tell time: I call on the kids to ask me a question!

I get to sit and watch as the teacher picks the next leader. They decide leader by saying things like "the next leader in not wearing red" (so all the kids wearing red have to sit down and are not the leader). Everyone is really excited to be the leader. Next week Henry is the leader...lucky him!

Here is the leadwer picking process!! The leader was the one wearing the #1...Henry! I wonder what he will bring to show and tell???




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