Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We got home from our wonderful Texas trip yesterday! It was SO much fun! All the cousins got to play, play, play! We even stayed in a hotel with an indoor pool! I had a great time. This is what we did:

Thursday: Drive, drive, drive! We stopped and ate lunch at Steak & Shake...they did not do a very good job, but boy do they have good shakes! we got in pretty late Thursday night, but not too late to run back and forth from our room to Nama and Papa's! After the first night we got adjoining rooms....super cool!

Friday: we got up super early so we could be at The Fimmen's house early to play, play, play!

Here are Tom and I giving BIG hugs when I got there!

Tom convinced me (after a really good negotiating job) to be a super hero. He said it would make him VERY happy and that he would dress up as a girl afterwards!
Super Hero's here we are!!!

Tom lived up to his promise!

Later that day we all got a cute naked kid picture and then played some more!

On Saturday morning everyone came over for swimming at the pool AND jumping on the bed!!

We baked sugar cookies!

Had a dance party and watched the KU/MU basketball game!

Crazy dance party to "Baby" by Justin Bieber!

Cousin LOVE!

Sunday was Tom's birthday! He had a super cool Cars and Super Bowl party! Before the party we all went to Toys R Us for Tom to pick out train stuff for his birthday and for us to pick out a Valentine's day gift! I got the coolest Barbie puppy that I named Schnauzie (I will have to blog about her later)!


Pinata time!

The Birthday boy...Tom is 4!

He loves his construction dress up outfit from Nama and Papa!

We had such a fun time in Texas! After the Super Bowl we headed back to the hotel to get rested up for an early morning departure from the hotel. After a non-eventful drive we were back in Kansas City just in time for dinner! I sure can't wait until I see my Texas cousins next!




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