Sunday, March 25, 2012

Picnic at the PARK!

This weekend was picture perfect! It was sunny and in the 70s and FAVORITE weather. It meant shorts sleeves, tank tops, Crocs and sandals! On Saturday we even went to the farm park and had a picnic and played and played!

Here I am in the car so excited we were having a picnic...GREAT idea Daddy!

YUMMY! We packed chips and drinks and then went to Subway for sandwiches!
Me and my Dad!

"May I take your order?"

Here I am walking along the ledge like a balance beam!

I just loved this weekend. We played outside a lot, went on walks, rode my Jeep (I am getting really good), rode my bike and scooter, worked in the yard, played in the screened in room (even watched basketball out there) and had a wonderful time!




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