Sunday, April 29, 2012

Johnson Farms

I just realized that I left this blog posting as a draft and never published it. Well, last week while I had a super fun daddy/daughter afternoon; mommy went to Johnson Farms to get flowers.  Little did I know it would be a fun event with the Fimmen girls (Nama, Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley) appears I missed a really fun time and I am not sure how I feel about that!  :)


A bad habit: broken!

I was a serious hair twirler.  This habit went on for about 6 months.  Mommy would tell me if I twirled a lot my hair would start breaking (and it did).  I would twirl so much that I would have huge knots on the side of my head that mom would have to work at untangling.  It was kinda a mess.  I would twirl when I was bored and when I was nervous.  But....believe it or knot (heehee) I no loner twirl and my hair is very happy with me!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

First Cheer Performance!

Today was my very first cheer leading performance and I had so much fun!  we performed at a nursing home and really made some people very happy!  I am one of the youngest kids in my group (ages 3-7) and I did a great job!  we performed 2 songs and did lots of cheers.  Some of the cheers were: "Lean to the left", "Ring it, ring it on the phone", "Big G Little O", and "Go T-Bones"!  It was awesome.  To make it even more special Nama Vicki and Papa Dick surprised me and came into town to see it!  So much fun!!!

 Alyssa, me and Sydney before the performance.
 Here we are walking into the performance.

We have another performance next week (at the Lenexa Farmer's Market) and on May 20th  at the TBones baseball game!

Too Tight!

Today was another example of my "too tight" freak outs!  I had a cheer performance and had to put on my cheer socks and white shoes.  The socks are really thick and make my shoes not comfortable...I do not like it and panicked! 
Here is a picture of me not too happy in the car!
When the performance was over I told mom that my shoes and socks were okay and that I could wear them okay through my next 2 performances.  I told her I will not freak out...we will see!

Art work

Here is a HUGE picture I made a school of me and mommy.  Notice the blue sky, yellow sun and green grass!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Here is the artwork I did at school this week!

A butterfly (mommy framed this one in our kitchen)!
This is a book I made and even stapled!  I colored the front....
...and even wrote in the book!

Royals Game!

Last night Mommy, Daddy, Nama, Papa, Uncle Bob, Uncle Rob, Anna and I all went to the Royals game and it was SO MUCH FUN!  I had a blast eating lots of yummy (not so healthy) foods, walking around, playing and watching (a little of ) the game! 

The Royals are not good at all, but somehow we managed to win a free Sonic Cherry Slush and free tacos from Tace Bueno (all free promotions)!  The coolest part was when we left we each got a free taco coupon, but then a guy came up to me and gave me a HUGE stack of them...then since everyone could tell how excited I was to get free tacos...strangers starting giving me their free taco coupons...I even found some free taco coupons on the ground and I would run up and add them to my pile.  I thought it was SO COOL!  I would giggle each time I found more and then hide my HUGE pile behind my back so no one would take them and maybe people would offer me more!  All in all I got 23 free taco coupons!!  HEEHEE!  All I had to do then was figure out where a Taco Bueno was!  :)


Sydney & Ella

Yesterday Sydney and Ella came over to play because their mommy and daddy had to go to a funeral.  I could not stay and play the whole time they were at out house because I swimming, but I got to play for a bit!  Here we are playing "Pretty Pretty Princess"!

I can't wait for them to come over and again soon!!  I LOVE playing with them!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Here is my spider on its web!

A note to my family. "I love you!"
Daddy and me (daddy is the big one)!

Here is mommy and nama (mommy is the big one, nama is the little one)

Here is a cross project from school and my name on the top!




Spring Musical

Tonight was a very special night. I had my Spring Musical at school! It started at 6:30 so we stopped and had a bite for dinner at McDonalds (my choice)! After that we went straight to the church for my performance!

The performance was so fun. As I walked into the hall with my class I searched for mom, dad and nama and I found them right away! I was so excited that I waved and waved and gave them a HUGE smile!

My class sang 2 songs: "Anytime, Anywhere Prayer Song" and "Feelings". I did a great job and had lots of fun. I sang really well, smiled a lot and even did my sign language! Everyone was really proud of me!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at Nama & Papa's!

After church today we went to Nama and Papa's for Easter brunch, playing and an Easter and basket hunt! It was such a fun day. I was really sleepy though and had to leave a little earlier than I had hoped (and then went home and took a 3 hour nap)!!!

Anna and I hid Papa's Easter basket in the dryer!! Heehee!

I tried to wear the bunny suit I have worn since I was 1, but I could not get it to fit (it was a size 12 months)! Wedgie!!! Boohoo!
Papa found his basket...with some help!

Papa wore his bunny ears all day!

Anna and I got LOTS of eggs on our hunt!

It was such a FUN day! I LOVE Easter!




Easter Pictures!

It took some convincing, but I finally agreed to take some Easter pictures without crying or being crazy!

Not off to a good start...

...or so mommy and daddy thought. I thought I was pretty funny!




Happy Easter!

I was a very lucky girl and got to have MANY Easter egg hunts! Last night the Easter Bunny came to my house and this morning I got to hunt for my hidden baskets and eggs! It was SO fun!

Here I am in my Easter dress...all ready to head to church to meet Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Ashley! YIPPEE!





On our way back from Branson we stopped and spent the day in Pittsburg! I had an Easter Egg hunt at Nama and Papa's, played and then we all went out to dinner with Gigi and Gipa! It was a really fun day!

I hunted for eggs and presents!

My basket is full!

Dinner with Gigi and Gipa at Josie's!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

Gigi read me a story!

I had SO much fun!


