Saturday, June 16, 2012


I can NOT just a few days we are headed for a long vacation!  First we are going to New Mexico (Albuquerque and Santa Fe) and then Gulf Shores, Alabama for the beach!  We are even going to spend a few days in New Orleans!  It is going to be SO MUCH FUN!  I will get to do a lot of swimming and tons of time with mom and dad...2 weeks!  You won't hear from me for awhile, but once I get home I will blog like crazy telling you all about the fun we had!

Father's Day surprise for Daddy!

I came up with the best idea today while mommy and I were at the spa...I was going to surprise Daddy with a special Father's Day Spa right in his bathroom!  I got everything ready: a chair, towel, bucket to soak his feet, scrubbers, polish, squirt bottle....everything...and gave him a pedicure!  He was so surprised and even let me paint his fingers and toes CLEAR!  I love you Daddy!  Happy Father's Day!


Day at the Spa!

Mommy had a manicure and pedicure appointment today at the spa and I got to go with her.  I was super patient and even got to have my nails and toes done!  I chose the glitteriest polishes they had!!  Multicolor glitter for my fingers and hot pink glitter for my toes!  We are all now officially ready for vacation!


More playing!!

During playing pretend gymnastics it was also picture day!  Lucky you I thought of picture day!



I am such a busy girl that I do not always get to just play around at my house, but BOY do I love to do it.  Today I played and played.  I played with Thomas and Julie, played store, played with my dollhouse, played with my kitchen, played dance school, played gymnastics, played spa and all sorts of stuff!  Here I am playing dance class:  it was picture day!


Dress up!!!

I still LOVE dressing up!   Here I am about a month ago...I got to dress up in a costume for school and I picked Pocahontas!


Daddy and Kate Day!!

Daddy took a day off from work today and so we had Daddy - Kate day!  Which really means that Daddy took me to do a lot of cool things.  We started the day off by going to the movies to see Madagascar 3.  I loved the movie!  After that, we met mommy at Jose Pepper's for lunch!  I took a nap after lunch and then Dad and I walked down to the pool to swim!  The water was freezing - just the way I like it!  Nama Vicki was also in town shopping so she stopped by and ate dinner with us after we got done swimming at the pool!  I think it was one of my most favorite days ever! 

Below is a picture of me at the movie standing by the movie "Brave."  It comes out on June 22.  Brave is a new Disney princess and I can't stop talking about her.


Friday, June 8, 2012

My hand writing

Tonight I wrote a letter to Tom, Meghan and Matt.  When mommy told me how to spell their names, I write them.  Mommy was so impressed with my hand is improving everyday!

Ice Cream Man

We have heard the ice cream man drive through our neighborhood for months now, but have never gotten anything from him....until last night!  Daddy was out mowing the grass when he spotted him.  We patiently waited on our driveway for him to drive through our neighborhood until he got to our house (we pulled out chairs and played...I even ran through the sprinkler and got soaked)!

I was shocked at all the options, but finally decided on a snow cone.  I thought it was yummy, mommy thought it was gross.  Well, I didn't get to eat much because I squeezed the wrapper too tight and out It popped...right on the garage floor.  Oh well!

Super excited for my snow cone!


Grace Church Summer camp...a success!

Today was the last of 3 camp days at Grace Church.  They did an amazing job at this camp and I had a blast!  I slid down a HUGE slip and slide, watched the kids do the zipline (it was a little too high and scary looking for me) and even got to play human Angry Birds...I was even able to knock down one pig!!! 

We listen to a band every morning, watched performances from the big kids and did lots of crafts.  The first day I made a chalk board, then I made a trash can and today I made a real life mini Angry Birds game!

I got to play with my friends...Sydney, Hadley and Alyssa and even made some new one's.  I loved the camp and can't wait to see what they have in store for next year!

Here is what the camp posted on their website on the last day:

SBOjr 2012…it’s a wrap! ! iLive for Jesus, our theme for the day, was presented during all of our awesome activities. At the beginning of our final day, we all enjoyed jamming and praising God with our awesome Youth Garage Band.

Reminder – we’d love for you to join us as we sing two of our SBOjr songs this Saturday, June 9, during the 6pm service.

The last component of our Bible story was about David choosing to continue to live for God, even when circumstances were grim. King Saul decided to destroy David so David was forced to hide in the wilderness. Yet, even when given the perfect opportunity to destroy Saul (as he happens to use the bathroom in the very cave David is hiding!), David still chooses to live for God and lets Saul go. David trusted God to conquer his enemies and chose to live for him no matter what. God wants us to live for Him for all of our lives, too – in the good times and the bad (and there will be both). He will take care of us and deliver us, but it needs to be our lifelong, moment by moment choice to live for Jesus.

Here are some highlights of the rest of the morning. During craft, the kids each created a very popular game: Angry Birds! Outside at our life-sized apps, the kids rotated through to their final activity: they either slid down on our Human Plinko water slide, zipped along our zipline, or released an Angry Bird at one of our youth “pigs.”
We have the amazing opportunity to bless some less-fortunate kids downtown at Hope Faith Ministries by providing them with an SBO like ours. The extra change your kids have donated, and can continue to donate, will really help those kids! They can bring their donations to the Saturday performance as well.

We hope your kids have learned the true meaning of this year’s Summer Breakout – that God loves them and wants them to “app” His word to every aspect of their lives.
View a summary of the week's memory verse, James 1:22!



This week was an action-packed one with 4 days of camp, playing with friends and of course playing with cousins!  It was so great and so busy I have not had troubles napping or falling asleep at night one bit!

Here are pictures before my first day of vacation bible school!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Another Summer Camp today!

Today started my second summer camp of the summer at Grace Church.  It is a cool bible camp that is 3 days long (all this week) from 9-11:30.  IT WAS AWESOME! 

Mommy dropped me off this morning and was AMAZED at all the cool stuff and how organized it was.  The had a zip line, a HUGE slip in slide with water tubes and lots of other cool outdoor activities.  Inside the walls were lined with hand painted clothe wall coverings and everyone was in neon yellow camp shirts...I even got one to wear!

I had class with Sydney, Hadley and Alyssa...I love playing with my friends and I Jackson from my school was even there!  It was water day for our class so we got to wear our bathing suits and go down the HUGE slip and slide...I loved it so much that I went down 6 times!  We also saw a performance, learned some songs, made a really cool chalk board craft and had dancers perform for us.  We even got a cool snack of CHEETOS...they must have known they are my favorite treat!

Here is the update the church posted from today on their website:

Summer Breakout Jr Update:

Day one of SBOjr 2012 “There’s an App for That” is complete.  We all got settled in our classes and began to know each other as well as our theme for the day: “iChoose God’s way.”  Then all 180 of us went upstairs to praise with our amazing Youth Garage Band.  We were introduced to the two songs we will sing for you at our performance during the 6:00 pm service this Saturday.

In our story room we discovered that the Biblical characters of David, Jonathan, and Saul were presented with several choices.  Some of them chose God’s way and some did not.  Ask your child if they can tell you the story.  Prompt them by asking, “What did you say when the actors said ‘I chooooose…’?”  The kids learned that just as these characters had the choice to believe and follow God’s way, so each one of them have daily choices to make as well.  Will they choose God’s way?
For the remaining time the kids rotated through three other activities.  In our craft time they created a chalkboard where they could play the “Draw Something” app.  At site they either slid down our Human Plinko water day, zipped along our zipline, or released an Angry Bird at one of our youth “pigs.”  By Friday they will have participated in all three of these life-size apps.  Thursday is a water day for Teams 1, 4, 7, 10.  The kids also had 30 minutes of time in their class where they ate a snack, discussed questions related to the day, and played with more theme-related centers.

For both SBOjr and SBO we have a missions component that the kids can choose to participate in if they want to.  This year we will be collecting donations from the kids in order to put this same SBO on for homeless and less fortunate kids at Hope Faith Ministries in Kansas City at the end of July.
We hope your kids had a blast and look forward to seeing them tomorrow.  We’ve attached the James 1:22 memory verse we are working on these three days as well.  Choosing God’s ways is all about being a doer of God’s Word and not just a “hearer.”  For no matter what you are or will go through, “There’s and App for That” in the Bible.
View a summary of the week's memory verse, James 1:22!

I can't wait for tomorrow's camp!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First Day of Summer Camp!

I am doing a few summer camps this summer with my friend Sydney!  We had our first one at Stanley Presbyterian Church (my school) yesterday and it was so fun! We have camp every Tuesday through mid-June from 9:30-2:30! 

Mommy dropped me off at Sydney's house before camp for Sydney and I to play together.  We had breakfast, had a dance party, played outside in her play house and had a blast! Ella even played wit us!

Camp was great too!  I saw Mrs. Partrich (my teacher this past year) right when we arrived, so I felt right at home!  My classroom was the Blue room - my new class for next year!  I showed Sydney around and we played a lot.  We did some arts and crafts, played outside, had lunch and played some more!

I can't wait until next Tuesday!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Today I went with mommy to work....I have been wanting to go back for a long time. We had a lot of fun!  I even got to get a hot cocoa from Starbucks and go to a meeting!  The meeting was a bit too long for my liking, but I was a really good girl!  I can't wait to go back!

Here I am working at mommy's desk!

Pizza with Nama and Papa

Last night mommy, daddy, nama, papa and I all went to our favorite pizza shop (Johnny Brusco's) for a yummy dinner.  I ate a slice of pizza the size of my face...maybe even bigger.  I wanted to eat it BIG and not cut up!