Monday, August 6, 2012

Farm Day!

It was a nice day yesterday so we all went to the Farm to play and see the animals!  The first thing I wanted to do when we got there was go to the playground!  I also wanted to feed the baby goats with a bottle.  Well, we went into the baby goat area and the ATTACKED!  They were trying to get at the bottles and in the meantime chewed on my dress, pushed me around and drive me crazy.  I quickly told daddy I wanted out and we fed the goats from outside their pen.

I will also say that I wore my fairly new shoes I am trying to break in for Disney World.  Well, I got 2 blisters.  Looks like more working in is required (and next time with socks)!  Now I understand why daddy keeps trying to get me to wear them for a little bit each day.

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