Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fashion Show at Target!!

 Tonight Nama, mommy and I went to Target to look around.  We found some skinny jeans and I really wanted to try them on.  Neither Nama or mommy could believe it since I do not like tight clothes and I have never had jeans...but I tried them on and LOVED them!  The skinny jean excitement got us trying on all kinds of stuff at Target and how fun it was!  Here is some of the fashion show...

Skinny jeans and cute top...

This is after I saw myself in the skinny jeans in the mirror.  I was SO excited I ran around the department and gave Nama and mommy big hugs and kisses...SKINNY jeans!

A cute Disney World and school top...with my skinny jeans!

ADORABLE hat with my skinny jeans!

Mommy and Nama thought I looked like such a different kid with my skinny jeans on...so big!  Here is a view from the back...heehee!

I could not believe mom wanted me to try on this jacket.  She thought I looked adorable, but I laughed and said I looked ridiculous.  Needless to say, we did not buy this one.

"Being stylish is my job" is what I told mommy and Nama.

Here is what I look like in cool kid glasses...had us all giggling!

I was not as found of the white lace top as mom...I know what I like and DON'T like!

It was such a fun time!

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