Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!

One of the splurges of the trip was to go to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!  It is considered a "hard ticket" which means you have to pay for this event in addition to any other park fees.  Mommy went back and forth on whether to go as she did not know if it was worth the money...it turned out that is was worth every penny!  We had a BLAST!

We were able to get the Magic Kingdom at 4pm to enter the parks.  The park closed to those without event tickets at 7.  Because of the schedule the crowds were really small and we got to do so many things.  We never had to wait in line for rides - so we really saw what we would see and do typically in 3 days at the park in 6 hours!

We got to meet lots of fun characters you don't normally get to meet as well as some of my favorites!  There was a performance with the villains which was really neat.

Unfortunately we were having so much fun we missed the first parade and then needed to leave before the last one as it was getting really late (about 10:30 pm)!

It was such a great night!


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