Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Princess Poncho!

It rains in Florida in September.  Although we did not get a lot of rain and when it did rain it only did it for a short time we did have to pull out the ponchos 3 or 4 times and we were really happy to have them!  The hardest rain was at Hollywood Studios on our 4th day!

Daddy was riding the Aerosmith roller coaster and mommy and I were waiting for him when it started POURING on us!  We raced inside the store to the roller coaster to wait for Dad. 

We all started calling me "Princess Poncho" and although I liked my new name I never wanted to wear the poncho...I would have preferred to get soaked!  But, mommy and daddy made me wear it....even when it was just sprinkling!

Here are Daddy and I in the store being funny!


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