Friday, October 12, 2012

Field Trip!

Today my class went on a field trip to Faulkners Ranch and Pumpkin Patch!  I was really excited and had a wonderful time!  Mommy went with me and we had a full day!  When we got to the farm we had lunch with my class.  We sat next to my friends Ike and Landry and their moms.  Ike kept asking me to play Bad Guys and Monsters with him.  we play that all the time on the playground at school.  He is the bad guy (or the dragon or the monster) and us girls are the good guys (or the princesses).  He was really sad that I would rather play with all the cool playground equipment...besides, the other girls we play with were not at the farm and I did not want to be the only one!

After lunch we went on a hay ride, fed some animals, went through a giant inflatable caterpillar, had story time, went through a corn maze and then picked out our pumpkins!  It was REALLY cold today...BRR, but we had a blast!



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