Sunday, October 21, 2012


This weekend we went to Pittsburg to visit everyone and go to the PSU football game.  It was homecoming weekend so the town was busy and we had to wait in a really long line for lunch at the mall deli with Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!  I had a lot of fun at the game (even though they lost by LOTS of points) and kept busy by eating lots of ball game snacks and sitting with Nama Vicki and her friends.  I even got into balancing the water bottles and got really good at it!  I even got mommy, Nama Vicki and Gipa to balance like me too!

After the game we met Gigi and Gipa at Josie's for a yummy Italian dinner!  Then we all went to Gigi and Gipa's house where I put on a dance party and we all had dessert!  It was a quick, but fun trip and I can't wait until we go back!


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