Tuesday, December 18, 2012

AWESOME Christmas tradition!

We started it last year and we hope to do it year after year after year...our "wear our PJs, get hot cocoa, look at lights and the crazy penguin exhibit" Christmas tradition!!!

Just like last year we get in our Pjs, get some yummy hot cocoa and pile into the car for a drive around at neighborhoods looking at lights (and saying "ooh aah" at the good one's)! 

We stop at the crazy Christmas penguin blow up exhibit in Olathe - it is the COOLEST thing!  It is in someones yard that they transform to a penguin wonderland.  The movie "happy feet" plays on the huge projection TV above the garage, they have over 100 penguin and Santa blowups....lots are snow globes and I LOVE snow globes.  I wanted mom to take my picture in front of lots of them.  The new addition this year that I LOVED was the 2 snow machines!  I got covered in snow and had fun playing in the snow!

It is so cool and we are so lucky this family loves kids and families to come and see everything!

Can't wait to do it again next year!  Hope these people NEVER move!

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