Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Eve at Nama & Papa's!

We celebrated Christmas a bit early at Nama and Papa's house this year.  Last night we stayed the night over there since it was "Christmas Eve" and Santa was coming to deliver presents for us to open in the morning.

We had so much fun (AS USUAL) and decorated gingerbread men, had yummy food ALL DAY LONG, played games, watched some movies and had great cousin fun!

Some Christmas carolers came to Nama's door and sang and it was awesome.  So, us cousins decided to be carolers and sing "jingle bells" to everyone. We even had clip boards with the words on it just like the real carolers.  We kept having to take breaks to work on our next "versions".  It was fun!

Some of us slept in Nama and Papa's room on the floor - just like last year!  We watched "how the grinch stole christmas" - just like last year AND then Papa read to us "Twas the Night Before Christmas" - just like last year.

We also set out cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer....then went to sleep super excited to Santa to come...


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