Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pittsburg Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Pittsburg the day before Thanksgiving and really had fun!  We celebrated at Gigi and Gipa's house and I was a big help and helped Gipa set the table...I even gave everyone 2 cups (just like at a restaurant - one for water and one for another drink)!

My Daddy's cousin and his family came to celebrate too and Lucy, Josie and I had so much fun playing!  We played house, games and I even taught her cheer leading! 

That night we stayed the night at Nama Vicki and Papa Dick's house and I got to stay up as late as Nama Vicki...and that is late! We watched Home Alone 1 that night and then woke up and watched Home Alone 2 together!  It was so much fun.  I LOVE Pittsburg!


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