Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fun week!

I have had such a fun week!  First Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came into town on Saturday to see me at swim lessons and play all day, then Papa came in town again Monday night and we all went out for a great dinner and he even stayed the night!  Woohoo!

 I had a some wonderful, warm and sunny days with Nama: we went to the park and played tons (my friends from school were also there and we played, played, played)!

Today I got to be the leader at school today and Aunt Jenny watched me all day!  I got to spend time with my cousins and they even went to cheer leading with me!  Anna joined in and had a blast! 

Tonight Nama Vicki came in town and she is staying the night for 2 nights and playing with me for 2 full days! 

I am one lucky kid to have so many great people to play with!

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