Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fun day with Papa Dick!!

Today we had a super fun day because Papa Dick came into town (Nama Vicki woke up sick...feel better Nama Vicki)!  We played and opened up my wonderful Valentine's Day presents!  I love them - thank you Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

We went out to lunch at a new place for us that we just loved - Marv's Delicatessen at Park Place shopping center.  We all had wonderfully yummy lunches and loved the environment.  After lunch we went to the Exotic Aquatic fish store.  It is always so much fun to see all the beautiful fish!

Then we went to Guitar Center.  Papa got me a guitar strap for my guitar so I can perform standing up - like all the stars!  My guitar is in for servicing as they had to add the pins to it for the straps to attach will be ready by my birthday party...I can't wait!  Papa said that when I grow up and am a famous performer I will have to remember that he got me my fancy strap!!  I love it!

I showed Papa my bow and arrow talents and he showed me his (he knew exactly how to do it...he shot arrows when he was young)!

It was such a fun and special day...thanks for coming to see me Papa!


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