Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mommy's Birthday Extravaganza!!!

Mommy had such a great birthday week!  She took off work Thursday and Friday and we got to hang out and celebrate!  On Thursday she, Nama, Aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley and I all got together and went to Nell Hill's and to lunch!  We had so much fun shopping and playing all day!

On Friday we had even more fun in store and did our very first First Friday's down at the West Bottoms downtown and got to shop and have fun shopping vintage markets!  It was so cool, but required lots of walking and I got tired!  After we shopped a bit on the Plaza and then met Daddy and Papa at the Plaza III for a yummy dinner!!!

Happy birthday week mommy!  I wish every day was your birthday so that you can take off of work to play!


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