Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy BIRTHday Baby Abby!!!

Aunt Jenny had my baby cousin Abigail Elizabeth Stilley Wednesday morning around 9:50am.  Mommy and I were lucky enough to be at the hospital while she was born and we were SO excited to meet her!  She is adorable!  She weighed 8lbs 6oz and has lots of hair!

These are the only pictures we took with our camera (as mommy used Aunt Jenny's camera to take pictures for her all day).  We will post more when aunt Jenny sends them!

Anna and Ashley are so excited to have a baby sister and I LOVE my new baby cousin!  I have held her a bunch of times and even put her to sleep 2 times by signing to her.  I think it is really cool that I have the MAGIC touch.  FYI...when mommy was holding Abby yesterday she cried....when she came to me, I put her to sleep.  Heehee!  I love this baby! 



Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Party!!!

Tonight we went over to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob's house for a PARTY!  Anna organized the "patio party" - welcoming the new patio in their backyard!  It was SO fun!  We played in the pool, the sprinkler, the swing set and we even got to play on the neighbors trampoline!  Papa and Nama brought over an amazing BBQ dinner (Papa smoked it all day yesterday and today) and lots of yummy salads!

It was so much fun!  I love parties!!!




I am practicing for when we go snorkeling in Hawaii!!!  Can't wait to see all the pretty fish!


Look a little closer....

This has got to be the BEST picture we have EVER taken!  It is a picture of me, mommy, Papa Dick and Daddy on the log ride at World of Fun!  Take a look at daddy!!!  AWESOME!  Every time mommy and I look at this picture we die laughing!!!

World of Fun!!

Yesterday Daddy, mommy, Papa Dick and I all went to Worlds of Fun!  It was a beautiful day!  We rode TONS of rides.  My favorite was a new one for me called the "Sea Dragon".  It was like a giant ship that rocked back and forth and went higher and higher.  It was really crazy and made my belly flip and flop - like when we do 1,2,3, wee....way!  It was CRAZY!  I also love the log ride (wait until you see the last picture in this post - totally awesome)!

When mommy and daddy were standing in line for some crazy roller coaster, Papa Dick and I did some games.  He won me 2 monkey's by shooting a gun at a target.  I then won a dolphin when the man could not guess my weight!!  It was such a great day!

After WOF, we met Nama Vicki at Garozzo's for buy one get one free chicken spedini...AWESOME!



I got new sunglasses - do you like them???  I think they are so cool because they look like adult ones!

Last day of Gymnastics!

Yesterday was my last day of gymnastics!  Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came to watch me!  Since it was my last day, everyone got to come in and watch me perform and I got a certificate!!!  Papa Dick even ran on the tumbling mat with me!!!  He did not realize how fast and bouncy it was!!!!  I told him that I tricked him!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Preschool Book - Starring Me

 Here is a book Mrs. Cronin and Mrs. Hawk put together and sent home with me this week!  It is super special because it is a collections of lots of stuff I did this year. 

Hope you enjoyed it!