Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy BIRTHday Baby Abby!!!

Aunt Jenny had my baby cousin Abigail Elizabeth Stilley Wednesday morning around 9:50am.  Mommy and I were lucky enough to be at the hospital while she was born and we were SO excited to meet her!  She is adorable!  She weighed 8lbs 6oz and has lots of hair!

These are the only pictures we took with our camera (as mommy used Aunt Jenny's camera to take pictures for her all day).  We will post more when aunt Jenny sends them!

Anna and Ashley are so excited to have a baby sister and I LOVE my new baby cousin!  I have held her a bunch of times and even put her to sleep 2 times by signing to her.  I think it is really cool that I have the MAGIC touch.  FYI...when mommy was holding Abby yesterday she cried....when she came to me, I put her to sleep.  Heehee!  I love this baby! 



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