Saturday, June 15, 2013

Second Cousins!!!

Last night we went over to Nama and Papa's for a party!  Gigi, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Abby, mommy, daddy and I were so excited that Matt (mommy's cousin), Janet, Kensey, Michael, Luke and Matthew were all in town from Minnesota!  We had a great BBQ dinner and played TONS!

I really liked hanging out with Michael.  He is nine and I thought that was pretty cool. At dinner I sat by him and really wanted to talk to him.  I would tell him stuff like..."I just acted out today at a performance."  Want to see my rose?"  "I play soccer to."  It was just so cool to be with a big kid!

We played baseball, hung out downstairs with Papa and all his toys and just chilled.  It was awesome!  I am so glad they came into town!


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