Friday, July 26, 2013

Starlight: "The Little Mermaid"

Last night was SO MUCH FUN!  Nama, Aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley, mom, dad and I all went to Starlight theater for the production of "The Little Mermaid"!!!

It was a bit rainy, but not hot and we had a blast.  We got there early and had a Subway picnic dinner (Nama packed me a PBJ because I told her I did not care for Subway).   We got to the theater early so that we could explore all the fun kids activities they had set up.  We each got tattoos, saw Scottish Highland dancers, meet pirates, met princess and did all sorts of fun stuff!

The show was great too!  I loved all the singing and my favorite was seeing Aerial and Prince cool!  I  had binoculars and loved watching the show close-up with me!

It was such a great night!!


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