Thursday, August 15, 2013

1st Day of Kindergarten = SUCCESS!!!

Today was a FABULOUS day!  I had so much fun at school! I love school and my teacher (although I can never remember her name)!  

Mom and Dad dropped me off this morning.  After that the day flew by.  We colored, learned about letters, did a tree picture in art class (in the art classroom), had lunch in the cafeteria (I thought it was kinda boring because no one talked to each other), learned about the rules of school (2 fingers in the air and a finger over the mouth means "be quiet"...especially in the hallway), had 2 recesses (really awesome) then went to the gym to wait for mom and dad to pick me up.

After school mom and dad surprised me and took me to Sonic for a snack. They asked me all about my day and I shared what I remembered.  After that we went home and I was surprised again to find lots of cool balloons waiting for me.  It was my 1st day of Kindergarten surprise!!!  I love them! 

Mom and dad keep asking me for more details of the day, but I was so busy, I keep forgetting and then I remember and tell them something else!

I can't wait to go back tomorrow!  I am really excited because mom and dad are letting me BUY a school lunch!  I AM SO EXCITED for that!!


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