Sunday, August 25, 2013

1st Homework EVER!!!

Every Friday I get STAR homework assignments emailed to mom and dad.  It is not mandatory, but really helps me practice what I learned all week long.  I got my first homework this Friday and we just did it a few minutes ago (it is going to be a tradition to do it every weekend).  

1.  Gather homework tools (3 pencils, scissors, glue stick, crayons) and a container to put them in. - Done...had to go to Target for glue sticks!
2. Find a spot where you will do homework at all the time. - Done...I picked the craft room table and set all my stuff there.
3.  Write your first name 3 times - K and lowercase a,t,e. We practiced this a bunch of times as I want to master my lowercase letters
4.  Draw a picture of you at your homework spot - Done...I drew the craft room table and me and mom around it.  I even drew the stuff on the center of the table!
5.  Cut out the curved and curved dash lines with your scissors. - was super surprised at how good I am at scissors!

I really like my homework and can't wait to show Mrs. Richardson how great I did!


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