Friday, October 25, 2013

First Report Card and conference!!

This week marked the end of the first quarter of Kindergarten!  Hard to believe I have been in school long enough to get a report card, but I have!

Mom and Dad were very proud of my first report card!  

Mom and Dad also went to my very first school conference with Mrs. Richardson this week.  They talked all about my development and contribution to the class.  Here are the headlines:
- I am a very sweet girl and gets along well with her classmates
-I am doing really well in school.  Mrs. Richardson says I am right where I need to be.
- I am in the advanced reading group, which means I work out of some more challenging books and curriculum to speed up my reading pace
- I can identify all my letters and numbers up to 20
- I can write all my letters well, but am still developing writing my numbers 10-20
- I am respectful, follow directions and am responsible
- I love playing with my friends and really love unstructured play time (recess is my FAVORITE)
- I am going to work on active listening as I sometimes would rather talk to my friends (Addison, etc) or hug them than focus on what is going on!!!
-I am going to work on the details and producing quality work.  Mrs. Richardson says I am often done with assignments quick.  I will tell her I am done and she will ask me to add a bit more detail to the work (if it is a drawing).  She says I will look at her with big eyes, tuck my hair behind my ear and say, "okay", then head back to add more details!

Mom and dad asked what we should be working on at home and she said just read together and ask lots of questions on comprehension as that will help as I become a reader.  She also said writing all the time (even if I am not spelling real words) helps with reading.  She said if I sound out words and write how I think they are spelled that would be a great exercise.  I am excited to try all of that!


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