Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mother/Daughter Bingo!!!

Last night mom and I went to our very first mother/daughter bingo night!  It was sponsored by Girl Scouts and it was a blast!!  A few girls from my troop were supposed to be there too, but it was just mom and I.  That was okay because a few second graders and there moms asked us to sit at their table!  It was fun to sit with big girls!

Mom and I won like crazy!!  It was so fun to win so many times and get to get prizes!  They would ask my name and troop number each time on the microphone. The first time I was really nervous, but then got the hang of it!

All in all we won 4 times and I came home with a gymnastics bag, notes books, journal kit, magnetic note pad and pencils!!!  SO MUCH FUN!


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