Sunday, February 23, 2014


Last week (Friday through Tuesday) mom and I were very lucky and got to join a bunch of family in Florida.  Our first flight was supposed to go out on Thursday, but got cancelled due to a horrible snow and ice storm in Atlanta.  Luckily, Papa was able to help us find a flight out the very next day...and even on Aunt Jenny and Abby's flight!

We had a great flight and then met Nama, Papa, Gipa Larry, Ruby, Aunt Linda, Uncle Pat and Colleen.  we had a fantastic time and made many unforgettable memories.  We had so much fun, did SO many things and took so many pictures that I am going to post TONS of pictures to document everything.

We did everything from watching the sunset each night with happy hour, swam in the pool and hot tub, had many walks on the beach, searched for shells and sand dollars, buried Aunt Jenny alive, did the Florida freeze (Aunt Jenny and I ran into the FREEZING gulf), ate tons of yummy food, explored nearby towns, shopped, played games and cards together, watched the Olympics and had a fantastic time!

I sure hope we can all get together again soon...and with even more of the family!  It was a fantastic VERY last minute trip!


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