Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Texas: Celebrating St. Patty Day!!

Our second day in Texas was a BLAST!  We spent the morning playing in their HUGE yard.  We jumped on the trampoline, Uncle Tom drove us on the property in the truck, we played on the swings, rode bikes and had so much fun all playing together!

We then spent the afternoon on a long train ride that took us from Grapevine to the Stockyards in Fort Worth.  We went there to see the St. Patrick's Day parade!  We had a blast on the train...I had never been on one like this before.  We had our lunch packed and even got to eat on the train.

When we arrived at the stockyards we went straight to the candy store and each got to pick out some yummy treats.  Then we walked around and even got to dance with Disney Junior!!

When we headed out to the parade it started to rain AND HARD!  It poured and poured.  Luckily I had on my rain coat and rain boots, so I stayed dry, but lots of people were SOAKED!  We did not get to see the parade, but that was okay!  I was just so happy to be with my cousins!

The train ride home was very LONG...there were some unexpected delays.  What was really cool is that we saw a double rainbow!  We even got to see the whole thing....from one side to the other.  It was really awesome! 

When we got off the train we went straight to Babe's chicken and brought home a VERY tasty dinner!

We were all super tired that night and all slept in the same room again.  This time almost all of us decided to sleep on the floor in sleeping bags!!!  It was cool!

On our last day in Texas mom forgot to take pictures.  We did TONS of playing and then headed out for lunch at a yummy burger place!  We got to check out a super cool candy store and pick out some treats and then came home for TONS more playing!

I love being with all my cousins. We have SO much fun together!  Can't wait to do it again and hopefully SOON!

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