Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Florida: Day 3

We spent day 3 in Destin fishing for turtles and fish off our deck, playing at the beach, playing in the pool and going on a dolphin cruise!!

Papa helped me catch a turtle and a fish...totally cool!

You will never believe what happened at the beach on our third day!!  Mom, Tom and I were out swimming in the ocean.  We were about as deep as the middle of mom's belly.  All of the sudden we heard people screaming mom's names and yelling "GET OUT OF THE WATER"!  Mom said it was like a scene from Jaws.  She turned and saw TONS of people now clearing the beach and running towards where we were.  We looked a few steps in front of us and saw a HUGE grey/black creature in the water.  We thought it was a shark and got out of there as FAST as we could.  Turns out it was a GIANT stingray.  Luckily we were okay - they can be dangerous you know...that is what the Crocodile Hunter was killed by!  Let's just say mom raised her PSR rating VERY high that afternoon!!  :)

Later that day we all went to the harbor for a dolphin cruise.  It was really fun!  We got on a pretty big boat with a bunch of people and had drinks and road around in the boat while the crew squirted us with water and kids got to drive the boat (Matt was the only one from our group brave enough to do it)!  After awhile mom, Aunt Carolyn and Aunt Jenny wondered if we were on a dolphin cruise or a BOOZE cruise!  The crew kept filling up every one's drinks....I made sure Nama had PLENTY of wine!  We were very lucky to see lots of dolphins - which was VERY cool!  It was a great time!


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